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Frequently asked questions

For Students and


Who we are?

The platform of 92campus.com represents learning of both the Quran and everyday academic subjects. The basic tenet is to allow you to learn anytime and anywhere. As a non-partisan organization, 92campus.com is not part of any academic institution or mosque, but a pioneer in bringing the teaching of both the Quran and other science subjects under one roof, aka 92Campus.com. There is no such platform available to our knowledge right now.

How can I register?

Fill out our registration form, or call us directly at… You’ll receive an email or phone from us within 24 hours. We’ll help you in installing the software required and guiding you with a free live tutorial. Registration or admission is free.

Who will teach you?

Teaching is challenging, uplifting, frustrating, and exciting by turns. One day our teachers feel on top of the world, the next they are tearing their hair out and wondering what they will let themselves in for, but we guarantee that it will never be dull. 92Campus.com invests significant amount of time and energy in our teachers and the systems we use to select who will teach you. We have an in-house selection system that recruits history teacher, the math teacher, the language teacher, and every subject teacher across the spectrum of human skill building. Almost all of our teachers have at least Master or a PhD degree, and they care deeply about students and learning. They spend hours marking work, planning lessons, and developing the best ways to teach a topic; but when they see students’ faces light up or when a key concept finally clicks, it is worth every minute.

How our system works?

It is as easy as 1-2-3. All you need to fill up a registration form and send. One of our representatives will then contact you to guide you to install Skype and assign you a personal teacher. A live Skype conversation is easy to follow, and you can even save the transcripts. What sets Skype appear from other means of communication is that you and your teachers have to commit in advance so you can individually invite them to study. Our teachers will arrange a Skype chat with you via voice, video, or text.

How and when our classes start.

It all depends on you. Once you have installed the software and agreed to start classes, you and our learned-and-experienced teacher will come online – you will talk to your teacher as you are sitting in a real classroom. A screen-sharing system allows you as a student see a similar lesson on your screen.

How much do we charge?

It depends on what you want to learn, and the starting is FREE. We calculate fees on annual or monthly basis.